
Delta Healthcare A Pathway to Prosperity

Community Development remains one of the Foundation’s top priorities.  Through investing in The Mississippi Office of Nursing Workforce and The Delta Workforce Funding Collaborative, FMS has been able to give the Delta healthcare workers a much need boost.  The Foundation’s strategic partnerships with regional healthcare providers and Mississippi’s institutions of higher learning, strengthens partnerships between education and employment providers that will continue to improve our area workforce.  Though grants provided we are creating opportunities for advancement of low wage frontline workers in terms of higher pay, rewards and recognition.    In addition, our partners are helping to create work-based learning opportunities, easier transitions into the medical field and providing continued education through leadership and mentorship.

Recently the faculty of Delta State University, Mississippi Delta Community college, Coahoma Community College, Greenwood Leflore Hospital, Northwest Mississippi Medical Center and North Sunflower Medical Center were to attend a dedicated education unit implementation class to help them better prepare for work-based learning opportunities as a result of recent FMS grants.  This program has been in use around the county and has helped multiple states come to a resolution over a lack of health care providers.  We are excited to see this proven program implemented in the Mississippi Delta.