Middle school students at Leland School Park (LSP) achieved a remarkable one-hundred percent pass rate in eighth-grade Algebra. In a high school course often considered a gateway to opportunities in the booming science and tech industries, LSP eighth graders are surging ahead on a path to earn college math credits before their senior year of high school.
Improving high school graduation rates, college preparedness and life outcomes of students.
Improve individual and community health outcomes in chronic disease, mental health, and access to care.
Building the skills and knowledge
of communities to transform
We are in the business of improving lives in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. It is a daunting task because the Mid South is home to 30% of the nation’s poverty, which has eroded the well-being of our communities, education and health systems, as well as financial security. These deficiencies—if left unhindered—will continue to grow and deny further opportunities to better conditions for families today and future generations.
Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) is a comprehensive, multi-year national and community-based process to bring about transformational and sustainable change. Through TRHT, partners address the historic and contemporary effects of racism in their communities and institutions. They work to replace the deeply held belief system that fuels racism with one that sees the inherent value of all people. This holistic approach addresses mind and heart, the interpersonal and systemic, and places the power of authentic, trust-based solidarity at the Center.
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The Males of Color Initiative is a multidisciplinary effort to improve the lives and livelihoods of young men of color in the Mid South. This project exemplifies the Foundation’s approach to working across our priority areas with diverse partner organizations in Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana.
‘We Exist to Shift the Narrative in Philanthropy’: Geaux Girl Giving Founder Ciara Coleman A burgeoning model of philanthropy brews in the heart of New Orleans. The change is not driven by political leaders or corporate titans but by Black women determined to author a new chapter in the charitable giving playbook. Giving Circles, which […]
Innovative “Boss Lady” understands transportation is just the first step in helping people get and keep good jobs “What does your transportation look like? Do you have a workforce transportation plan?” According to Pam Chatman, founder and CEO in the transportation field, it’s a typical ask from major companies considering relocating jobs to Mississippi. “And […]
FMS collaboration with Mississippi Justice Fund to boost neighborhood violence prevention and link criminal justice reforms to economic development. A virtual panel featuring Mississippi’s top reform advocates highlighted the members of The Fund and delved into Fwd.us report on the economic costs. Jackson, MS – Alongside partners the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Public Welfare Foundation, Just Trust, the Annie E. Casey Foundation, and Fwd.us, […]
GEAR UP district liaison Susie Williams and Superintendent Jessie King open up college pathways for middle schoolers in Mississippi’s Leland School District. Middle school students at Leland School Park (LSP) achieved a remarkable one-hundred percent pass rate in eighth-grade Algebra. In a high school course often considered a gateway to opportunities in the booming science […]
Black History Month kicks off with the Mid South Foundation and Two Mississippi Museums free admissions day, honoring its role as a place of truth and reconciliation Few Mississippians believed that two new museums would paint an honest picture of the state’s history. “There was a lot of skepticism, especially in the black community about […]
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We are in the business of improving lives in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.